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Microsoft’s Developer Evangelist believes the trend of incoming apps will continue

Windows Store has had a recent influx of Universal apps, leading one to question whether the app situation has indeed improved or it it just a temporary bright spot.

Steve Guggenheimer, Microsoft’s chief Developer evangelist believes that the trend will only continue to grow.


ZDNet’s Mary Jo Foley wrote in an article about her interview with Guggenheimer:

“It doesn’t matter where they (developers) start. The core work is done for all the (Windows 10) platforms. If you’re building for 10, it’s already done for phone,” Guggenheimer said. “A true Windows 10 (UWP) app is a phone app,” he said. “It’s up to us (Microsoft) to get devices in market that are unique and differentiated for the phone.”

What is also interesting to note is that Guggenheimer isn’t a big believer of the bridges that Microsoft is currently working on.

The interview ends on, what I believe, is a very positive note where Steve says that Microsoft will continue to talk to developers of all shapes and sizes with apps all across the board.

“You should assume we are continuing to work with developers that users — consumers and commercial — care about,” Guggenheimer said. “Whatever apps are interesting — social, gaming, IOT (Internet of Things)- type stuff — that work continues to go on. And not just in the U.S., but globally, too.”

So, there you have it folks! Expect a good 2016 from apps point of view. *Fingers Crossed*


Source: ZDNet



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