Apps · Universal · Update

Readit updated!

Reddit Client- Readit- has received a minor update. This update does not bring anything major in the update just on the backend, mostly. It does bring “wrapping text in message textbox when composing message from inbox”.


Here’s the changelog:

  • Javascript has been disabled in the embedded browser. No more stutter/lag when navigating readit after viewing some bad sites. Use the open in browser command to view a site with javascript if you need to. This improves performance, reduces memory usage, reduces ram, reduces battery usage, etc. It also fixes the stutter bug for long Reddit sessions. It deals with web trackers embedded into sites and the edge browser not unloading properly.
  • Fixed selecting text when replying to a comment.
  • Text will now wrap in the message textbox when composing a message from profile/inbox

Download Readit here.

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