Future · Microsoft · Satya Nadella · Windows · Windows 10 Mobile

This interview is all you need to see to understand Microsoft’s psyche!

This video is a Pandora box for any Microsoft fan!

The adored/abhorred CEO of Microsoft, Satya Nadella, sat down with Buzzfeed for an interview that didn’t give us anything new but at the same time provided us with just what we needed to hear.

Nadella, in his ever so calm demeanor, agreed when the interviewer asked him about the ‘unsustainable’ market share of Windows Phones. At the same time, he stayed true to his manifesto-ish objective that his Microsoft has stood for in 2015.

Let’s take a step back here for the moment and analyse whatever Microsoft has done this year. Windows Insider program, BUILD, E3 and the October 6th event; All these events may seem vague and disjointed, but in fact they are evident of some level of consistency in the Microsoft of 2015.

All these events were focussed around one thing and that one thing only: Windows 10- which in Microsoft’s own manifesto is “for making people choose Windows, not out of need but love”.

Back to the video, Nadella speaks about the “mobility” of your experience. This, if you realize, is a lot more than just fancy words strung together. It recognizes Microsoft’s earlier arrogance/ignorance in the mobile world and works on it to push the company forward in perception and industry, at large.

We’re almost there. I’m no apologist, I speak only after the overwhelming evidence that Microsoft has given us in 2015. Cortana? Everywhere. Office Suite? Everywhere. Microsoft Apps? Everywhere. The ability to use Microsoft services on other platforms? Easier than ever.

2016 is going to be a pivotal year for Windows 10, and Microsoft at large. ( I know, you’ve heard it before.) With Redstone, Windows Store on Xbox and better products to headline a *hopefully* matured Windows 10, the mobility Satya mentions is closer than ever.

Be excited, be very excited!

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